Howick College Howick College

Year 11 Science (11SCI)

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr R. Henty.

Year 11 Science (11SCI) 2025 course will involve the new Level 1 NCEA standards. The student will be expected to pass the four papers to gain the necessary credits, and passes are pre-requisites for Year 12 Chemistry (12CHE), Physics (12PHY) and Biology (12BIO).

12SCI is available to those not wanting specialist Year 12 science.

Students in 11SSC (the SIE programme) have a further 12SSC option as well as a specialist science.

Course Overview

Term 1
To be confirmed

Term 2
To be confirmed.

Term 3
To be confirmed

Term 4
Revision and completion of work.

Learning Areas:


Assessment Information

The external assessment Physical Systems is a written exam in the November NZQA sessions. You get three hours to write the answers to something that is likely only going to take 1 hour.


Year 12 Biology (12BIO), Year 12 Chemistry (12CHE), Year 12 Physics (12PHY), Year 12 Science (12SCI)

You need to have sat and passed the equivalent Year 11 internal or examination paper to get into some Year 12 sciences. Students coming out of Year 11SCI can choose one or two or three Year 12 sciences. Some choose to take a specialist science course 12BIO 12CHE 12PHY only if they meet the entry requirements for which one(s) they have chosen.
Pass Physical systems to get access to 12PHY
Pass Micro-organisms to get access to 12BIO
Pass Chemical reactions to get access to 12CHE

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

$21 for Stile Education (paid to the school)
1B5 writing book
Calculator brought to school


Owing to teachers responding to individual students' needs, courses and NCEA standards taught in a subject maybe different to those displayed.