Howick College Howick College

Year 9 Spanish (2 Terms) (9SPA)

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr S. Alvarez Prado.

Spanish Year 9 Course Description

Welcome to the Year 9 Spanish course at Howick College! This dynamic and engaging program introduces students to the Spanish language and Hispanic cultures, laying a strong foundation for further study.

Term 1: Students will start with an introduction to the Spanish-speaking world, learning basic Spanish pronunciation, classroom commands, and essential vocabulary. They will practice greetings, numbers, dates, and personal descriptions. Cultural activities include exploring Spanish traditions and celebrating La Pascua and Father’s Day.

Term 2: The focus will shift to pets, family, and favorite activities. Students will describe their pets and family members, talk about nationalities, and discuss their hobbies. Cultural activities will highlight the significance of celebrations like Mother’s Day and Labour Day in Hispanic cultures, comparing them with Māori traditions.

Term 3: Students will delve deeper into personal introductions and interactions. They will refine their skills in describing themselves and others, practicing spontaneous interactions in Spanish. The term includes researching a Spanish-speaking country and a cultural assessment featuring a movie study of "The Emperor’s New Groove."

Term 4: The final term will review and consolidate learning. Students will engage in cultural activities related to Hispanic festivals such as La Tomatina and El Día de los Muertos. They will participate in an interclass competition and complete end-of-year activities, including a booklet project and an oral presentation.

Throughout the year, regular vocabulary and grammar tests, along with skills-based assessments in reading, writing, listening, and speaking, will track students' progress. Join us for an exciting journey into the Spanish-speaking world, enhancing your language skills and cultural knowledge!

Course Overview

Term 1
Students will start with an introduction to the Spanish-speaking world, learning basic Spanish pronunciation, classroom commands, and essential vocabulary. They will practice greetings, numbers, dates, and personal descriptions. Cultural activities include exploring Spanish traditions and celebrating La Pascua and Father’s Day.

Term 2
The focus will shift to pets, family, and favorite activities. Students will describe their pets and family members, talk about nationalities, and discuss their hobbies. Cultural activities will highlight the significance of celebrations like Mother’s Day and Labour Day in Hispanic cultures, comparing them with Māori traditions.

Term 3
Students will delve deeper into personal introductions and interactions. They will refine their skills in describing themselves and others, practicing spontaneous interactions in Spanish. The term includes researching a Spanish-speaking country and a cultural assessment featuring a movie study of "The Emperor’s New Groove."

Term 4
The final term will review and consolidate learning. Students will engage in cultural activities related to Hispanic festivals such as La Tomatina and El Día de los Muertos. They will participate in an interclass competition and complete end-of-year activities, including a booklet project and an oral presentation.

Learning Areas:



Year 10 Spanish FULL Year (10SPA)

Career Pathways

Flight Attendant, Journalist, Interpreter, Editor, Foreign Policy Officer, Importer/Exporter, Immigration Officer, Translator, Private Teacher/Tutor

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

$25 Online learning platform (Education Perfect)
There may be other small costs relating to cultural events during the year, these are always optional.


Owing to teachers responding to individual students' needs, courses and NCEA standards taught in a subject maybe different to those displayed.