Teacher in Charge: Mr J. Kumate.
Pre-requisitesYear 9 and 10 SIE Programme or HOD of Physical Education approval.
Year 11 Sport in Education comprises FOUR compulsory subjects, Sport Science, Sport Maths, Sport Communications and Sport Studies. Students must apply to be in the programme and preference will be given to those students who have participated in the Year 9 and 10 SiE programmes. It is an expectation that students in the SiE programme will represent the school in at least one sport. Students can select two other option subjects to complete their timetable.
11 Sport Development
Sports Develop is the Physical Education component for the SIE programme, offering students up to 20 NCEA Level 1 credits. Students will be assessed in their practical performance ability in sports such as Turbo Touch, Basketball, Netball, Ultimate Frisbee and Tennis. Often, professional coaches will work with the SiE students in these disciplines. Students learn to reflect on the biophysical and socio-cultural factors that affect participation, explain how movement enhances well-being, examine how movement can facilitate unity and leadership, and examine the function of the body as it relates to the performance of physical activity, looking specifically at anatomy, biomechanics and physiology.
$100 to cover external sports coaching, t-shirt, and other activities.
Owing to teachers responding to individual students' needs, courses and NCEA standards taught in a subject maybe different to those displayed.