Teacher in Charge: Ms A. Rajan Mathew, Mr Z. Irani.
Pre-requisitesStudents are placed in the appropriate year 11 maths course based on the results of their topic tests, e-asTTle and overall teacher judgement results from year 10.
11MATI is a dynamic mathematics course designed to enhance students' numeracy skills and deepen their mathematical understanding. This course focuses on core numeracy strategies and incorporating ONLY INTERNAL achievement standards. Students opting for this will have to continue with 12MATI as their pathway for future Maths.
Being an only internal course it DOES NOT offer an opportunity for a course endorsement.
By successfully completing 11MATI, students will strengthen their numeracy abilities, deepen their mathematical proficiency, and fulfill the numeracy co-requisite requirement.
Term 1
As there are new NCEA Level One Standards for 2024, this will be planned later this year.
Term 2
As there are new NCEA Level One Standards for 2024, this will be planned later this year.
Term 3
As there are new NCEA Level One Standards for 2024, this will be planned later this year.
Term 4
Focus on Numeracy co-requisite.
Year 12 Mathematics Internal (12MATI)
Contributions and Equipment/StationeryThere is a $40 course fee that covers NZGrapher, online subscriptions and worksheets.
Optional - 1) It is recommended that students have the Nulake/Walker math workbooks for practice of internal standards($36)
which can be ordered via the school office.
2) Students can subscribe for Education Perfect ($26) - a digital learning platform - and get access to range of lessons, practice tasks, practice
Students MUST have their own Scientific/Graphics calculator (recommended by NZQA) and 1E5 Quad books.
Owing to teachers responding to individual students' needs, courses and NCEA standards taught in a subject maybe different to those displayed.