Howick College Howick College

Year 11 Building and Construction (11BCP)

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr L. Orpen.


Y10 RMT is an advantage. Approval from HOD.

This course is for those students who want to enter the trades and develop these specific skills.

Y11BCP is a hands-on qualification. It is an innovative, practical and multi-disciplinary programme for students, providing them with the skills and knowledge to choose a career into any construction industry

This course covers : The programme is primarily workshop based. Rather than focusing on any one trade the programme builds skills and an understanding of all trades in the construction industry. It also develops literacy, numeracy and communication skills. Students who participate in this programme can go on to consider apprenticeships in a variety of trades such as: building, construction, plumbing , drain laying, roofing, gas fitting, painting and decorating, flooring and joinery.

Learning Areas:


					Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Course costs are $180. This will cover the cost of most materials and consumables. Some specialised items may need to be brought in. All projects will be taken home with students.


Owing to teachers responding to individual students' needs, courses and NCEA standards taught in a subject maybe different to those displayed.