Year 10 Sports Mathematics (10SMA)

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr Z. Irani.

Year 10 Mathematics and Statistics covers work at levels 3, 4, and 5 of the NZ curriculum. They also have the opportunity to practice numeracy unit standards to help them prepare for NCEA Level 1 in year 11. Mathematics and statistics have a broad range of practical applications in everyday life, in other learning areas, and in workplaces. By learning and studying mathematics and statistics using sport as a context, students will continue to develop the ability to think creatively, critically, strategically, and logically. Students will continue to learn to create models and predict outcomes, to justify and verify, and to seek patterns and generalisations.  

Course Overview

Term 1
Geometric Reasoning

Term 2
Number Resoning
Expressions and Equations

Term 3
Patterns and Graphs

Term 4
Problem Solving


Students are placed in the appropriate maths class based on the results of their topic tests, PAT and e-asTTle results from Year 9 Sports Mathematics (9SMA)

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

There is a $35 course fee that covers the subscription to NZ Grapher, online worksheets.
Costs will only occur if students enter competitions.
Optional cost –
A) It is recommended that students have the following individual workbooks for practice that can be obtained from the School office.
1) Walker Maths Numeracy workbook ($10).
2) Year 10 Nulake Mathematics Homework book($25)
B) Students can subscribe for Education Perfect ($26) - a digital learning platform and get access to range of lessons, practice tasks for Year 10 curriculum as well as for their preparation for Numeracy CAA.
All students require to carry a 1E5 Exercise Book, Scientific Calculator (e.g. Fx 82 AU Plus II), ruler, eraser and a protractor along with a pen/pencil when they arrive for the Maths class. They also need a working, charged laptop for educational tools such as Google Classroom.
To support your child's learning journey, here are some generic questions you could ask them each week:
What topics did you cover in Mathematics this week?
Are there any upcoming assessments or projects you need assistance with?



Owing to teachers responding to individual students' needs, courses and NCEA standards taught in a subject maybe different to those displayed.