This course requires 2 options.
Year 10 Outdoor Education FULL Year (10OPES)
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Mr S. Muirson.
This course provides an introduction to Outdoor Education. It will appeal to students who have a genuine interest in activities such as planning for an overnight tramp, survival in a bush setting as well as being prepared to challenge their own level of comfort. It provides a taster course for students who may be thinking about moving into Senior PE, SES or OED. The course is a mix of both practical and theory sessions but does not involve traditional PE lessons.
The course costs cover all activities associated with the 10 OPES course. This includes; snorkeling at Goat Island, an overnight tramping expedition in the Hunua Ranges, an optional high ropes camp at Waharau (extra cost) and high ropes at Tree Adventures. Students also participate in a short day walk along the Mangemangeroa Track identifying native plants.
Students who wish to participate in the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze award do so externally. The course has been designed to provide enough opportunities to gain this qualification.
Course Overview
Term 1
Snorkeling and Surf Survival - Snorkeling and water safety for Goat Island / Omaha Beach
Expedition - Preparation and planning for an overnight trip in the Hunua Ranges
Term 2
Expedition - Preparation and planning for an overnight trip in the Hunua Ranges
Survival - Survival techniques in the bush (shelter, native plants, how to read weather). Students will do a short walk along the Mangemangeroa Trail as well as create a short Bear Grylls mockumentary.
Optional high ropes trip at Waharau.
Term 3
Survival - Survival techniques in the bush (shelter, native plants, how to read weather). Students will do a short walk along the Mangemangeroa Trail as well as create a short Bear Grylls mockumentary.
Leadership - Students teach a skill to the class
Skills - Students learn about Anatomy and Physiology
High ropes / zip lining trip to Tree Adventures
Term 4
First Aid - A basic introduction.
Surf trip to Te Arai Beach
Owing to this course involving a number of high risk activities, acceptance into this subject is based on a review of a student's previous pastoral record.
The criteria is any of the following:
Seriousness of incidents: Students who have 1 or 2 serious incidents, this involves fighting, alcohol, drugs, vaping and stand downs.
Volume of incidents: Students with 20 recorded pastoral incidents; reviewed on an individual basis. A contract can be put in place depending on the nature of the incidents.
Nature of incidence: Students with multiple defiance or high level pastorals. Being able to follow instructions is a crucial part of outdoor education and defiance causes concern for student safety when in an external high risk setting.
Contributions and Equipment/Stationery
Course costs:
Snorkel / Surf trip $130
Hunua Overnight Tramp $110
Day Walk: Mangemangeroa $10
Tree Adventures: $115
Total: $365
Owing to teachers responding to individual students' needs, courses and NCEA standards taught in a subject maybe different to those displayed.