Year 9 Drama (1 Term) (9DRA)
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Mrs J. Dryden.
Year 9 Drama is a performance-based course that is influenced by whakapapa and is a way to respond to and share in identity, culture and perspectives. It provides an opportunity for students to discover their drama ability and creativity. It encourages an interest in and develops an appreciation and enjoyment of drama through an active involvement in discussion, sharing ideas, perspectives, culture and identity through manaakitanga. The course helps students to develop social, co-operative and creative drama skills which will form the basis for drama as a subject in following years and enables them to design, create and perform drama individually, in small groups and as a class.
$10 for course resources. On arrival students will be able to indicate their prior performance experiences (e,g. school production, debating) so we can help them build upon their prior knowledge.
Contributions and Equipment/Stationery
$10 for course resources. Students will require 2x HB pencils. Additional costs will be the result of attending live theatre performances offered with professional companies, as well as the opportunity to attending our senior performances.
Owing to teachers responding to individual students' needs, courses and NCEA standards taught in a subject maybe different to those displayed.