Year 12 English Communication (12ENGC)
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Mrs N. Mala.
All standards offered in this course are internally assessed so no subject endorsement can be gained. This course cannot be used towards an ‘approved subject’ for University Entrance. This English course is comprised of unit standards related to Communication Skills. Where possible and/or appropriate, selection of assessment topics will be co-constructed by student and teacher depending on students’ learning needs and career pathway. All topics in this course contribute towards NCEA Level 2.
Course Overview
Term 1
In term one students will be focusing on reading a range of texts and understanding purpose, audience and meaning.
Term 1 Assessments
US 25073 Read text to recognise differing points of view on a topic (3 credits)
US 24871 Complete complex forms (2 credits)
Term 2
In term TWO students will be focusing on research and report writing. Students will be identifying an issue in the community which they will investigate. They will be learning how to carry out and structure an investigation into an identified problem. This assignment will develop time management, critical thinking, problem solving and presentation skills.
Term 2 Assessments
US 3492 Write a short report (3 credits)
US 1280 Use graphics in communication (2 credits)
Term 3
Students will learn how to collaborate and co-operate in group learning and develop skills related to working as a team to complete a presentation.
US 9677 Communicate in a team or group which has an objective (3 crredits)
U.S. 2989 v6 Select, read, and assess texts on a topic (3 credits)
Term 4
Develop communication skills related to pairs and small groups.
Assessment tasks:
US 1299 Be assertive in a range of specified situation (4 credits)
Full participation in 11ENG course.
Contributions and Equipment/Stationery
$10 Resources.
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
Use graphics in communication
Read and assess texts on a topic
Write a short report
Communicate in a team or group which has an objective
Complete complex forms
Read texts to recognise differing points of view on a topic
Owing to teachers responding to individual students' needs, courses and NCEA standards taught in a subject maybe different to those displayed.