Year 11 Chinese (11CHI)

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms S. Shen.

Year 11 Chinese provides students with many opportunities to interact with texts from written, spoken, and visual sources. Also, the course allows them multiple practices in creating written, spoken, and visual texts that meet the language standards of Curriculum Level 6. This approach also emphasizes developing students' intercultural skills, understanding the link between language, culture, and identity, and learning strategies to help them acquire new languages.

The key topics studied at this year level are: family, celebrations, holidays, showing respect and care and learning from each other.

Due to the cumulative nature of language learning, internal assessment for this course is likely to take place in the second part of the year. Learning covered throughout the course supports development of skills and knowledge towards all four Achievement Standards for Year 11 Chinese.

Course Overview

Term 1
Main topic covered: Whānau — Family
In Term 1, we will be exploring whānau as a way to learn about oneself and family. Students will be encouraged to reflect on their identities and learn from others. Examples of this include to communicate information, ideas, and opinions about events or experiences that students had with their family. Students will use different modes of production, including written, spoken, or a combination of written and spoken Chinese (Mandarin). Intercultural activities will include students exploring similarities between kaupapa Māori and Chinese values etc.

Term 2
Main topic covered: Whakanui — Celebrations (in the context of everyday life)
In Term 2, we will be focusing on the importance of celebrations as a way to learn about personal traditions in different cultures. Students will learn through class teaching and various activities such as
• Planing a celebration for a friend/family member/class such as a birthday, shared lunch, or end of term celebration.
• Communicating about celebrations using spoken and written language. Students should be encouraged to use different modes of production.
• Explore types of food eaten at home and in Chinese-speaking communities or cultures.
• Explore celebrations in Chinese-speaking communities and cultures and in Aotearoa New Zealand etc.

Term 3
Main topics covered: Holidays and about 1 week on Ako - learning from each other
In Term 3, Students will explore ways to communicate information, ideas, and opinions about personal holiday experiences. Through class learning and various activities, students will be, but not limited to
• Interacting with others about planning a holiday or sharing holiday experiences, including giving directions, describing weather conditions, and details about events or places.
• Communicating about holiday experiences or a dream holiday using spoken and written language.
• Give directions to people who are lost using location words 前面/后面/左边/右边/旁边 /上面/下面。
• Explore differences and similarities of holiday destinations in Aotearoa New Zealand and Chinese (Mandarin)-speaking communities or cultures.

Term 4
Main topics covered: Ako — Learning from each other and Manaakitanga — Showing respect and care
In Term 4, we will continue to explore ako as a way to discuss learning from each other. Students will learn to express their strengths and weaknesses in learning. They will also learn to give reasons, express preferences, and discuss their abilities related to personal experiences with subjects, teachers, daily routines, learning activities, and after-school activities. As for showing respect and care, we will identify ways to support one another to understand manaakitanga (the practice of showing respect and care, and the mutual exchange of kindness between people, living things, and places). Examples of class activities will/could include:
• Use adjectives to express feelings or emotions, for example, 我很累/忙/生气/高兴。
• Ask if someone is all right 你怎么了?Asking people what they feel about something 你觉得….怎么样?
• Communicate about learning experiences in written and spoken Chinese (Mandarin).
• Interact with a partner or a visiting Chinese student about each other’s learning experience in different subjects.


Non-native speakers need to have studied Chinese in year 10 (10CHI) or successfully passing an admission test.

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Students will be required to purchase a workbook (approx $30)


A successful completion of Year 11 Chinese would enable students to enroll for NCEA Year 12 Chinese.

Assessment Information

1. AS 91952 (1.1) Interact in spoken Chinese (Mandarin) to share and respond to information, ideas, and opinions (Internal assessment - 5 credits)
2. AS 91953 (1.2) Communicate in Chinese (Mandarin) for a chosen purpose (Internal assessment - 5 credits)
3. AS 91954 (1.3) Demonstrate understanding of written Chinese related to everyday contexts (External assessment - 5 credits )
4. AS 91955 (1.4) Demonstrate understanding of spoken Chinese (Mandarin) related to everyday contexts. (External assessment - 5 credits )

A maximum of 20 credits can be obtained from NCEA level 1 Chinese.


Owing to teachers responding to individual students' needs, courses and NCEA standards taught in a subject maybe different to those displayed.