Year 12 Athlete Development (12ADE)
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Mr J. Kumate.
12SDE is designed to develop students' confidence and ability within a variety of theoretical and movement scenarios. This includes factors such as applying biophysical principles to training for physical activities as well as performing against criteria for a physical activity. Students will also learn how to analyse the application of risk management strategies to the context of white water rafting.
Capabilities that are underpinned in the course are a Growth Mindset and Evaluation / Critique.
Students are expected to have developed the idea of a growth mindset from year 9 and 10 where failure is used as an opportunity to reflect and improve. This is reinforced as students enter year 12 and are exposed to tighter deadlines and requirements.
Students also are expected to have some ability at critiquing ideas by applying a SPEEECH Lens to Sociological issues. In order to gain a M / E grade students are also required to strengthen their ability to evaluate and offer greater insight with their written answers.
14 credits in 11SDE or approval from HOD of Physical Education.
Contributions and Equipment/Stationery
$160 to cover costs of a range of activities: Whitewater Rafting trip, Badminton equipment and coach, Les Mills fitness sessions and transport costs.
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
Physical Education 2.3 - Demonstrate understanding of the application of biophysical principles to training for physical activity
Physical Education 2.4 - Perform a physical activity in an applied setting
Physical Education 2.5 - Examine the significance for self, others and society of a sporting event, a physical activity, or a festival
Physical Education 2.7 - Analyse the application of risk management strategies to a challenging outdoor activity
Physical Education 2.8 - Consistently demonstrate social responsibility through applying a social responsibility model in physical activity
Owing to teachers responding to individual students' needs, courses and NCEA standards taught in a subject maybe different to those displayed.